Creative learning and participation

mapdance offers a tailor-made educational programme delivering half day and full day one-off workshops or longer-term residencies based on the company’s repertoire.

Workshops give participants an insight into the choreographic/creative process and longer-term residencies can involve dedicated projects or short ‘curtain raisers’ with participants to complement the touring programme. The potential learning outcomes from working with the company are:

  • Development of technical, choreographic and creative skills;
  • Enhanced understanding of dance making;
  • Improved problem solving skills;
  • Strengthened social skills and confidence in sharing and communication;
  • Development of leadership skills;
  • Awareness of physicality and health impacts of participation in dance.

All workshops and residencies are led by the members of the company, enabling participants to also gain an insight into the dancers training and experience.

Content: The education programme is ideally suitable for

  • Key Stages 3 and 4;
  • Further Education;
  • Community dance groups;
  • The company also offer a dedicated programme for Key Stage 1 & 2.

All workshops will include contemporary dance technique and creative tasks based on the ideas and movement style of the performance, although specific requests for content will be considered. For younger students the company can offer tailor- made workshops involving creative ideas that could be based on the Key Stage 1 or 2 curriculums.


Participants: Ideally 25, but a maximum of 30 in a session, dressed suitably.

Space: Clear space with a floor suitable for dance (not carpeted) and a CD player, ideally with suitable connections for an mp3 player.

Staffing: A member of teaching staff must meet the company and be present throughout each workshop, plus any specific additional staff support normally made available for students with special educational needs.

Workshop Options

Half-Day Workshop: 2 – 2.5 hour session (2 – 3 dancers)

This will begin with a thorough warm up followed by a creative workshop using ideas from one of the pieces of repertory. Students will have the opportunity to gain a much greater insight into the work of one of the choreographers whilst developing technical, expressive and performance skills.

Full Day Workshop: 2 x 2 – 2.5 hour sessions (3-6 dancers)

For a day-long workshop you can choose from:

Option 1: The dancers work with one group of participants for the whole day. In the morning they will work on an extended technique class. This will be in a contemporary dance style or could be an exploratory contact improvisation session. The afternoon will be devoted to exploring one piece of the repertory which can lead to the creation of a short curtain raiser.

Option 2: The dancers work with two different groups of participants. Each group will either undertake a technique/Improvisation/contact class followed by a creative exploration or phrase of material from the repertory.

The students had an excellent time & loved the workshop. 
They most definitely thoroughly enjoyed learning all the repertoire and the creative task delivered at the end of the session. 


3 Day Residency / Curtain Raiser (3-6 dancers)

The purpose of a longer residency experience is to enable participants to develop further their creative and choreographic skills. This might culminate in a whole school performance or opening a mapdance performance.

Extended Workshops: 1×2 hour session minimum (2/3 dancers)

Workshops that can run on a regular basis for a number of weeks to allow time to build relationships with the students and deepen their learning experience. These can only be delivered within one hour’s travel time from Chichester.

Information for Teachers

Handouts can be provided to detail workshop content and ideas for future progression.


For booking, availability, fees and any further information regarding performances and residencies please contact:

Becca Thurston

Tel: 07713234789.