Auditions to join the MA Performance Dance will be held on the following dates:

* Saturday 15th February – a PG Dance Experience Day with the opportunity to audition. Book your place!
* Thursday 6th March
* Thursday 3rd April


Online auditions are for those living outside of the UK or a long distance away from Chichester. In person auditions are the best way to find out all you need to know about the programme, meet the tutors and see the campus.

Each audition consists of a ballet class, a contemporary class, learning extracts of the current repertory as well as improvisation and creative work. Each student will also have an interview to assess suitability for the course.

How to apply

Please see the University of Chichester’s website for more information about the programme and to apply.

For admission queries:
Admissions office
Tel: 44 (0)1243 816002

mapdance fees 2025/26

MA Performance Dance£12,780
MA Performance Dance – International£18,720
There is an Alumni discount of 20% for students who have completed an undergraduate course at the University of Chichester. To receive alumni discount, you must register on the alumni community website:

More details can be found at the University of Chichester’s web site

University of Chichester
College Lane
West Sussex
PO19 6PE

On arrival report to the Student Information Zone (SIZ).